Probably your direct reports don't hate you, Things are not
that bad. It might be mild discontent. But, what could explain the fact that
they don't seem to get it. If only they could stop driving you crazy and just
do their job like they are supposed to. Is that the attitude you had when they
first joined your team?
"Just do your job and don't drive me crazy and we will
get along fine."
If this has been your general approach toward your
employees, I urge you to consider pursuing a role as an individual contributor,
not a leader. It will serve everyone better.
When an employee first joined your organization (or you took
the reins of an existing team), you shared expectations, communication
preferences, point of view, and boundaries. All with hopeful anticipation and
valued camaraderie. "Welcome to the team," you likely said.
So what happened?
Over time, things got sloppy. Perhaps you got used to each
other and replaced communication with assumption.
"She's been here long enough, she knows what I
The layman's term for this is, 'lazy'. It can happen even
when everything is humming along; costs contained, profits up, technology has
magically fixed your problems, and you are getting home at a decent hour. The
effective leader knows; the garden still has to be tended with a diligent and
caring eye.
Although they seldom like to hear it, I frequently remind
clients, "Your manager knows more than you." This has nothing to do
with intelligence or common sense. It is about perspective. Your manager
attends different meetings than you, receives different reports, is under
different scrutiny, and is responsible for more. These are not things a leader
should tell their direct reports because at best it comes across as a humble
brag, at worst it is sanctimonious.
It is rare for your direct reports to see things from your
vantage point. They view the world from their perspective, so it shouldn't come
as a surprise to learn the reverse is also true. Your direct reports know more
than you. They are closer to the end-user. They get the latest tactical
information in real time, well before your excel spreadsheet turns from yellow
to red. Every day they see successes and failures that you never do, or if you
once did, you've long since forgotten.
When you stop communicating, collaborating, and soliciting
opinions, you break an implicit compact. The point of a team is the realization
of a strategic imperative. It is the recognition that the accomplishment of
something important cannot be successful without the diversity of thought,
experience, skill, and perspective. Without that you do not have a
high-performing team, you have a group of people who barely tolerate each
other, and there is no strategic benefit to that.
So, go ask your direct reports their opinion. Let them know
ahead of time that you may or may not agree with or act on what they share, but
you still want to hear their opinion because you value their perspective.
Written by

Karl Bimshas
leadership consultant who collaborates
with busy executives to improve the working relationships with their direct
reports and collegeuges to create high performing teams. He’s the author of
“How to Stay When You Want to Quit;Strategies to get over yourself“.