Problem solving has, in this new generation found a more positive approach in that more focus is provided to the solution than the problem itself. This is a good shift away from the old problem-based orientation as it provides a variety of methods to apply. Thus, instead of focusing on passive 'problem-solving', it is the more active 'solving problems'.
In the EnSync methodology of solving problems called SPEED, there are several levels of focus: 1 principle which outlines the approach, 2 strategies that provide high-level orientations, 4 pillars of values and 4 types of problem types.
SPEED Principle
The principle of SPEED is "Menarik rambut dalam tepung. Rambut tidak putus, tepung tidak berselerak". The Melayu proverb speaks of making small but significant changes that minimise disruption yet achieves the objectives of the changes.
SPEED Strategies
The 2 core strategies of SPEED are:
1. "Help others sincerely in solving THEIR problems and Allah will make YOUR problems easier to resolve" - This is accepting that man was created to serve Allah, thus play a role in creating peace on Earth as His vicegerents. As such, His blessings are available for anyone who truly assist others to save them from difficulty. Even if you do not know how, Allah will show you the way. Just want to help, and help will come.
2. "Ask for help" - Keeping a problem to oneself will only stretch the limit of human capacity. By sharing his challenges and goals, one widens his capacity to receive assistance by other people or communities. Asking for help from Allah and His creation is not a sign of weakness. It is, in fact, a sign of humility.
SPEED PillarsSPEED is built upon 4 pillars, meaning when you inculcate these as your lifelong values, they will support your solving efforts. They are:
1. Acceptance - this is redha. Accept the reality of the situation and quickly move to resolve it.
2. Confidence - this is yaqin. Every disease has its cure. Every problem has a resolution, whether it resolves in your favour or otherwise. Therefore, become involved in the problem and solve it in your favour rather than stand back and do nothing.
3. Determination - this is doing everything with stamina and passion to find a solution, even if you don't see it yet. Have faith. "Dalam segala apa yang kita lakukan, lakukanlah bersungguh-sungguh".
4. Improvement - this is muhasabah. When you are once burned, why get a credit card again? After the tsunami, Malaysia is now better prepared. After our personal tsunamis, we want to be better prepared too.
Risk or Issue?
A problem is identified first as a Risk or an Issue. A risk is a potential problem and an issue is a present problem. Most people solve issues yet forget that risks, when left unprepared for, can develop exponentially into issues.
In a car, a neglecting to change a RM300 timing belt can easily escalate to becoming a RM3000 engine overhaul. A habit of not wearing the seatbelt can easily cause sudden and painful orphanhood.
Pay as much attention to identifying risks and nipping them in the bud as you do solving issues. "Sediakan payung sebelum hujan".
Problem Types
SPEED recognises that analysing problems is the first step to understanding its complexity since most problems have many moving parts. It is because of this that solvers sometimes oversimplify a problem and aren't able to resolve the cause-and-effects of complex 'problem'.
To see clearer, SPEED categorises all problems into only 4 types, represented by the acronym PDRM:
1. Process - resolving bottlenecks, blockages, lack of resources, delays, etc to maintain a controllable and desirable flow of value
2. Decisions - weighing between two or more similar options and choosing between them based on merit and being able to defend the decision.
3. Relationships - communicating clearly and persuading other people with as minimal emotional turmoil as possible.
4. Motivation - individual drive.
Most problems come as a mix of two or all four of the above, which, as previously mentioned, makes solving them challenging. Some people categorise health problems as a process issue. All they need is the money for an operation. Once they have it, they believe the problem is solved.
There is also the possibility that one's health problem affects one's motivation to live thus contributes them to die in the operating room or to take too long to heal.
This strains familial relationships. Thus, in this case, the 'health' problem comes bundled 3 disguised as 1.
Therefore, analyse the problems separately and solve them at the same time rather than sequentially.
Final SolutionAs human beings, we must accept that our ability to process problems are very limited, even when work together en masse. Thus, the realisation that Allah is the Ultimate Solver leads us to use that final and most powerful of tools in our toolbox, and that is supplication (du'a). For solving problems certainly feels like going to war, and Du'a is the weapon of the mu'minun.
Nadzrin is a Professional Learning Facilitator and is currently a Learning Coach and Master Trainer at Accenture Learning's Kuala Lumpur Centre of Excellence. He is also the founder of the EnSync Workplace Performance Skills methodology based on his experience in Silat Melayu and corporate learning.

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