Leaders: What are you doing to create more leaders?
You can start by:
1. Leading yourself well. (People won't follow someone very long who doesn't practice what they preach.) If you lead yourself well, people will naturally want to emulate you.
2. Share control. Sharing control with others conveys confidence in them. And most people will surprise you by rising to the occasion. People will live up to, or down to your expectations, generally speaking.
3. Don't just dump tasks, develop people! When handing over responsibility to a future leader, educate & equip them for the task thoroughly, empower them with the authority they need to execute and move out of the way (but not so far that you are unapproachable.)
4. Enjoy the process and celebrate the successes. Developing leaders can be frustrating at times. Some don't come along as quickly as you'd like. Take note of each success and celebrate with your fellow leader. A focus on the progress made will keep your attitude about leading them positive and them motivated to keep growing!
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