Leadership often seems like a natural ablity that some individuals are gifted with at birth. In reality, leadership is more often a group of muscles that are highly trained in the ability to influence others to take action. Leadership is a journey that never ends and one that you can continue to develop and strengthen like you would a muscle in the gym. Below are four traits of great leaders that if you develop into your daily routine, will help you carry the influence on your team to achieve greatness.
Be Genuine- Strong leaders genuinely care about the success of the people around them. They genuinely want to help others and share wisdom that will lead people to take actions that will reward them. If you only care about your team taking actions to make yourself successful, your team will sense that, and they will resent you. Of course, ultimately, their success will be your success, but focus first on how you will make them successful. Really listen when your team members are asking for help. Don’t let email or other projects distract you while they are speaking. Give your team member your full attention to fully understand how you can be of service.
Build Relationships- John C Maxwell said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Build relationships that are so strong with your team members that they are excited to come to work each day because they get to come to work with you. Plan a team outing and learn about whom your people really are when they are not in the office. Be a mentor to at least two or three members that you believe could be future leaders in your organization. Take them to lunch and talk about leadership opportunities with them. Let them know you want to see them in a leadership position and you plan to help them achieve that role.
Be the Pulse of the Team- If you show up late and cranky, your team members will be affected. Put your game face on each day. It’s your job to provide the energy, momentum and excitement around production each day. Put on some music, clap your hands or create a contest if you are having a rough day. All three are guaranteed to make your team members smile, which in turn should make you smile.
Deliver Feedback- I have a rule. If I’ll say it about you, I’ve already told you. Make sure that your team members know where they stand both on the good and the bad. Make a point to deliver both praise and discipline right away. When you see your team members taking the right actions, love them. When you see them pointed in the wrong direction, pick them up and put them back on the road of success.
Remember, great leadership cannot be truly developed if you only workout these traits once in a great while. Strong leadership is about consistently using your leadership muscles everyday.
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